Let's elaborate on that a little. This is a statement that you have probably heard at least a thousand times by now. It certainly seems redundant. I mean who is not interested in doing those very things? It just might not mean exactly what you think it means, well not right now anyway. Today we are faced with a whole new way of looking at just what it means to protect ourselves. This goes way beyond standing up for your kid when he or she has experienced some type of disrespect. It also goes beyond giving your family vitamins and minerals, and other healthy things that can keep them safe from illness. Giving them a warm or cool home and insurance is only a part of it. Today's concerns make protecting everyone a whole lot more than just those things. I am not sure how exactly things have become so "automatic," in these modern times, but we are just far too routine to simply adjust to what we are having to do now. What is great though, is that "we got this." We are doing a fantastic job of following instructions to squash this virus. I digress though. Protection now also means looking out for others to make things safer for ourselves.
Most of us have really stepped up and complied with all of the recommended behavior. Of course, as I mentioned yesterday, I have been a little worried about the ability for everybody to do the same. In a situation like this it takes a lot of unity, universal unity. There is just no way we will stop the spread of COVID-19 unless everyone is doing their part. I apologize for being a little less optimistic in my writing yesterday when I said that I do not have faith in my fellow man. I did not express my true feelings there. I really do have faith, I just find that for some adversity brings out impulsiveness. I was a little upset at seeing some people in the news, mostly young people, going to the beach in large numbers, and others being equally thoughtless of their actions. I must remember though that we are all facing a new way of life, and for some it may take more adjusting than for others. Many times people act out or look for comfort in numbers, and let's face it, we are all at least a little scared. Fear can have a wide variety of affects. I am more concerned than scared if I'm being honest, and that concern is the reason for today's topic. I really feel that we do have this. We have the ability to do what we need to do to succeed at getting over this thing sooner than later. It is already showing. We are seeing a slow decline in the overall cases of diagnosed patients. I realize that numbers have gone up a lot in the last few days in certain areas, but understand that this is more due to the fact that more tests are now available. The over all, whole country numbers are starting to show a tick downward. Confidence can bring more positive energy like I mentioned in my talk of a couple days ago. So as we see the cases going down, we should also see confidence returning. We will see that on a global measure, numbers are showing a change.
Here is a more detailed report on this showing the data:
Wrapping things up, protection now also means staying away from others, being conscious of how you go about your days, allowing things to settle before getting back to life as we want it again. These are just a few of the ways that we can think outside the box about what it means to protect ourselves. Give some time for things to get better, and wait for confirmation of such before you stop the recommended tasks. Respect yourself, and others by not putting yourself or them in danger. If we just continue what we have been doing for another week or so, we can gain the edge on this pandemic. Let's stay the course! No way this can be over soon enough, but surely it will be over before long. God bless.